Take a look at Dave's map on Fermentedly Challenged. Sure looks like a lot. And the number is growing all the time.
I should visit more of these breweries. I've been thinking for some time that it would be a good idea to put together a series of bike-rides to visit sets of breweries. Sort of brewery/biking mini-tours.
One set of breweries that I thought would be perfect, recently started calling themselves the "Beermuda Triangle Coalition". Take a look at Westword's article "West-side brewers form the Beermuda Triangle coalition in the face of increasing competition".
The breweries in this area between Lincoln Street and Federal Boulevard, Alameda and Colfax avenues (really more of a square ... but whatever) are:
- Renegade Brewing Company 925 W 9TH AVE, DENVER, CO 80204
- Breckenridge Brewery 471 Kalamath Street, Denver, CO 80204
- Black Sky Brewery 227 Broadway #101, Denver, CO 80203
- Trve Brewing Company 227 Broadway #101, Denver, CO 80203
- Wit's End Brewing Company 505 West 2nd Avenue #13, Denver, CO 80219
- Strange Craft Beer Company 1330 Zuni, Unit M, Denver, Colorado 80204