Thursday, July 04, 2024

Nargles American Porter

Venture into the Colorado mountains, where the air is crisp and the pines reach for the heavens, and you may stumble upon a scene from a fable. Here, in the secluded tranquility, Nargels American Porter is not merely a beverage; it’s the centerpiece of an extraordinary gathering. Imagine a clearing, where the gnomes of the highlands convene with the elusive Nargles, their laughter echoing through the thicket.

Nargles American Porter - This brew is a tribute to these mystical soirĂ©es. It’s a dark, enchanting potion that flows like the mountain streams, rich with the lore of the land. The gnomes, with their rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes, raise their tankards in unison, toasting to the moonlit sky. The Nargles, unseen but ever-present, join in the
merriment, their presence felt in the gentle rustle of the leaves.

Each gulp of this porter is a celebration, a blend of the earthy robustness of the Colorado foothills and the whimsical charm of its mythical inhabitants. The gnomes favor the velvety notes of caramel and chocolate, a perfect complement to their hearty laughter and fireside tales. The Nargles, with their taste for the ethereal, delight in the floral hops that whisper secrets of the forest.

As the night deepens, the camaraderie grows, and the Nargles American Porter becomes more than a drink—it becomes a bridge between worlds, a shared delight that unites the gnomes and Nargles in harmony. So here’s to the highland gnomes and their invisible friends, may their glasses never empty, and their spirits never fade. 

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

Monday, July 01, 2024

2024 Q2 SheppyBrew Stats

It is already July, which means the 2nd Quarter of 2024 is done. We can report on the Q2 SheppyBrew Brewing Stats

When it comes right down to it, I'm sure no one besides myself really cares, but I like to look back on these posts to see how much I've brewed and what I was planning on brewing at certain points of the year.

As I've been saying, I expect that I'll brew less beer this year than I have for the past several years, and so far it does look like I'm tracking for a lower volume than 2023.

In this quarter, I've brewed 5 batches of beer:

This 5 batches of beer resulted in 25 gallons, putting me right at a total of 50 gallons half way through the year.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Littleton to Silver Plume

If you've been following along on Sheppy's Blog: Triple Bypass and/or SheppyBrew Facebook and/or SheppyBrew Instagram and/or my Strava profile, you know that I signed up for the Triple Bypass Ride.

FYI ... the Triple Bypass Ride is a bike ride. I am not signing up for heart surgery.

I've been a little surprised how many people thought I was having surgery.

Anyway ... this past weekend, I did another "training ride". 

Littleton to Silver Plume was 6:05 hours of riding time, and a total of 73 miles with 8,458 feet elevation gain.

My unofficial target for the Triple Bypass is to finish the 118 miles and 10,800 feet climbed in 10 hours. The rides I've done give me confidence that I'll be able to do that.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Summer Lovin' American Wheat

Step into a world where fantasy and flavor intertwine with Summer Lovin' American Wheat, a beer that's as enchanting as the meadow it's brewed in. This American Wheat beer, with its **5.5% ABV** and **22 IBU**, is a testament to the art of brewing, crafted by the gorgeous SheppyBrew Beer Model whose passion for beer is as deep as the mountain roots.

In this idyllic setting, surrounded by the majesty of towering peaks, she works alongside a troupe of helpful gnomes, each adding a touch of magic to the brew. The gnomes, known for their brewing prowess, carefully select the finest **Pale and Wheat malts**, blending them to perfection.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Juneteenth Brew Day

I keep forgetting that Juneteenth is a holiday that I get off work.

It always comes as a pleasant surprise when I see it on my calendar. This year, it popped up on Wednesday of this week.

I've been running low on what I had on tap, and so I decided to brew Wednesday.

Summer Lovin' American Wheat (Batch 357) was also ready to keg, so I was able to clear out that fermenter as well.

If you follow along on this blog, you might have caught that I had another Roll-a-style beer coming up ... Roll-a-Style 20 ... 20A. American Porter.

I brewed a slightly modified recipe from that post:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Workday Pork Butt

My oldest son graduated from college this past weekend.

It is sort of hard to believe I'm old enough to have a kid this old .... but ... anyway ...

We had some family in town to help celebrate, and my wife thought I should cook on Friday when the family was going to be arriving.

It was a work day for me, but I decided to smoke a Pork Butt.

Generally, it takes me about 8 hours to smoke a Pork Butt on my Weber Kettle.

Since I work at home, and making pulled pork is mostly just waiting for the pork to slowly cook, it was a very do-able activity while doing my job.

I pretty much had the butt seasoned and the Weber Kettle going by 6:30 AM.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Cold Brewed French Press Coffee

You may remember that I got a French Press for Christmas this past year.

I drink a lot of coffee, and most of it comes out of the Keurig, but I usually use the French Press when I feel like I have a few extra minutes to make coffee in a more "relaxed" manner.

To be honest, I'm not sure the French Press is actually that much more time consuming than the Keurig.

Anyway ... in the French Press post, I intended to do a few more blog posts on it. Until today, I have not really done that but ...