Friday, June 21, 2024

Juneteenth Brew Day

I keep forgetting that Juneteenth is a holiday that I get off work.

It always comes as a pleasant surprise when I see it on my calendar. This year, it popped up on Wednesday of this week.

I've been running low on what I had on tap, and so I decided to brew Wednesday.

Summer Lovin' American Wheat (Batch 357) was also ready to keg, so I was able to clear out that fermenter as well.

If you follow along on this blog, you might have caught that I had another Roll-a-style beer coming up ... Roll-a-Style 20 ... 20A. American Porter.

I brewed a slightly modified recipe from that post:

If you took a look at the recipe link, you might have noticed that I tried sparging with this batch. I usually do a full-volume mash with the Foundry. I thought I'd try seeing if I could get better brew-house efficiency with a full sparge.

I had pre-heated the strike water overnight, so when I got up at 5:30 or so, I was able to just get started with the mash.

I did prepare my full volume of mash and sparge water with the water additions and then pulled off 2.75 gallons to store in my old small kettle.

I had the mash going by 5:45 or so.

Once the mash was going, I zested oranges for Summer Lovin' Wheat, and then kegged the beer into a keg with the zest in a muslin hop bag.

I also got almost another gallon of beer in a growler.

While mashing and kegging, I heated up the sparge water on my stovetop.

After about an hour of mashing, I drained the wort's first runnings and then simply poured the kettle of water over the grains.

I must have done something wrong setting up the mash profile, because the amount of sparge water was too much, and my pre-boil gravity was low.

Had I done a quick sanity check (aka simple math) ... I probably would realized the error and fixed it.

Regardless, I'll have to give the Foundry / sparge a try in a future batch.

I ended up adding .5 lbs DME and also boiling about 15 minutes longer. This combination got me pretty close to the right pre-boil gravity.

The boil went as expected.

Chilling went fine.

I racked the wort onto the whole yeast cake of Summer Lovin'. Because of this, the fermentation was rocking by early afternoon.

I was mostly cleaned up before 10AM.

By the next day, the beer had already attenuated almost 40 points.

I got a nice "Juneteenth bike ride" in after brew day.

Considering how fast brewing is going, I might be able to keg this pretty early.

I'll be sure to share how it turns out.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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