Monday, June 27, 2005


Apparently, it is currently cool to Blog. I am not sure I understand the point, but if it is cool, I had probably better do it. Actually, it is completely possible that I missed the window where it was cool, and now it is just plain and blah.
So, what do I want to blog? Perhaps it would be good to put things I think on my blog.

Or maybe, pictures and stories of my kids. That would be cool I think. I do have the cutest kids I've ever met.

I live in Colorado and do hike and camp in some of the most beautiful country in the world, so maybe I should post photos and descriptions of my Colorado Journeys.

And why is the blog better than a web-site to do this?

I admit that the technology is really cool. The low-cost nature appeals to me (this is currently free). We will have to see what I come up with. I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities.

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