Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Falling Leaves Autumn Saison (batch 298)

As you know if you follow my Instagram feed, I brewed Sunday.

If I'm counting correctly, it was my 298th batch of beer.

My 22nd of the year. My 27th on the Anvil Foundry.

It is Autumn. For the most part, the weather here in Denver isn't really cooling down THAT much, but regardless, Summer is technically over.

My last couple of batches have reflected the passing of Summer. 

A couple weeks ago, I brewed a Märzen, Rocktoberfest Lager (Batch 296).

Last week, I brewed a pumpkin Ale, Will-o'-Wisp Pumpkin Ale (Batch 297).

This past weekend ... I continued the Autumn-themed beers with my Autumn Seasonal Saison ...

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Will-o'-Wisp Pumpkin Ale (Batch 297)

It's that time of year again ... pumpkin spice beer time.


As you probably know if you've been following this blog for awhile, the SheppyBrew Beer Model (aka my wife) likes pumpkin spice ales.

Unfortunately, back in September of 2014, I brewed a pumpkin spice beer that she really liked.

Unfortunately, I've been brewing this beer every year since.

Unfortunately, last Sunday it was time to brew it again.

Fortunately, the Beer Model was willing to help. So we brewed it together.

Friday, September 24, 2021

M is for Mountain Toad Brewing

I wasn't invited to L is for Lady Justice, but the SheppyBrew Beer Model did a great job on that brewery visit.

I guess that's fair. I did most of round 1 without her, and the "L" is the first one I've missed.

Anyway ... last weekend, after logging some morning miles on my Great Cycle Challenge, we decided we should bike a brewery together.

As you probably know, after L comes M. 

There are tons of "M" breweries on the Colorado Brewery List, but most of them are outside the Denver area. 

I used one of them on X is for Mad Jack's [JaX] Mountain Brewery ... which ... again ... wasn't my idea/

Molson / Coors or Miller / Coors (whatever you prefer to call them) is a possibility, but not ideal.

When it came right down to it, I really only had one choice for this trip ... 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Sin Lima Mexican Lager vs Ska Mexican Logger

Well ... Hell. The summer is almost over. How did this happen so quickly?


Last time I was at my local liquor store, I didn't see any of Ska's Mexican Logger. That probably means the Mexican Logger season is about over. 

Luckily, I had a can of it in my beer fridge to compare with my Sin Lima Mexican Lager (batch 293).

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Smoked Mac and Cheese Pictures

A couple of weekends ago, my son wanted Smoked Mac and Cheese. So, I made Smoked Mac and Cheese on my Weber Kettle.

I pretty much followed the recipe from Smoked Mac and Cheese

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Rocktoberfest Lager (Batch 296)

The weather here in Denver doesn't agree, but we're getting close to Autumn.

I'm seeing all kinds of local breweries on social media announce their Oktoberfest celebrations.

I thought I should probably get on making my own 2021 Oktoberfest Lager.

So, I brewed Sunday.

It was my 20th batch of the year. My 296th batch in my brewing "career". My 25th batch done on the Anvil Foundry.

I've been brewing this recipe since 2010. According to my notes, it was my 2nd all-grain batch back when I was still only doing 2.5 gallon batches.

Sunday was the 7th time I've brewed this beer....


Friday, September 10, 2021

8th Everest of 2021

Well ... my Great Cycle Challenge continues. I've passed my 8th Everest of 2021.

As I type this, I've climbed a little over 234,346 feet of elevation on my bikes.

At this point, Strava says I'm 24,600 feet ahead of plan to hit my #10Everestsin2021 goal. By the end of this month, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm a whole Everest (29,032 feet) ahead of schedule.

Monday, September 06, 2021

L is for Lady Justice - By Guest Blogger, known by many names but for this purpose, MBW (Main Blogger's Wife)


I have known my friend, Kristi, since we were about 3 years old. I moved away when I was 6. We maintained contact through the years, first through letter writing, then through email, then Facebook. She has started her own company, focused on creating a safer and more equitable world for women. She recently wrote a book (titled Quit being so Good), and her summer book tour brought her to the Denver area. She wanted to contact a women-owned brewery, and I told her about Lady Justice, although Sheppy and I had not been there yet. We were considering making it our “L” brewery when Kristi messaged me at work one day and asked me to meet her there. I agreed, and since Sheppy did not visit the “L” brewery, I am making the entry as a guest blogger.

On this 3rd round of the A to Z Denver Brewery series, the last brewery we had visited was a K brewery, so next up is:

“L” is for Lady Justice – “Great beer can make the world a better place”

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Another #GCCUSA Century Ride

To be honest, when I wrote "I might attempt Century Ride # 4 this Labor Day Weekend" on 3rd Century Ride #GCCUSA, I was mostly kidding.

Century Rides are hard. They take a lot out of me. I didn't think there was any way my legs would be ready for another long ride before the end of the long weekend.

But ... honestly, I was feeling pretty good after a rest day, and I had Friday off work.

I got up early for a bike ride. 1000 miles were not going to ride themselves. I had to keep up with my commitment to the Great Cycle Challenge.

I knew I would do a long one. I didn't really plan for 100, but I thought I'd see how it went.

After 10 or 20 miles, I was fairly sure I wouldn't be riding more than 50 miles. My legs didn't feel like they had much in them.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

3rd Century Ride #GCCUSA

It is September, so I've begun my Great Cycle Challenge

I've committed to cycling 1000 miles in September to help raise awareness and money for Childhood Cancer Research.

If you'd like to help out with a donation my "Rider Page" is at:

I'm extremely pleased with the support I've gotten so far. I've actually far exceeded my expectations for the amount of money I would be able to raise.

So ... with all those generous folks donating money to my "ride", presumingly expecting me to meet my 1000 mile goal, I certainly want to make sure I do my best to get all my miles in for the month.