Saturday, February 01, 2020

Progress on #5000MilesIn2020

As you may remember from earlier in the month, I've decided to try to ride my bike 5000 miles this year.

See #5000MilesIn2020 if you want to catch up. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Here it is, February, so I thought I would let y'all know how it is going.

As I mentioned in  #5000MilesIn2020, my goal for January was to ride 300 miles. As of the 31st, I logged 314 miles, so I hit my goal and consider myself on track for 5000.

January's weather was pretty cooperative, and I was able to do most of my riding outside. I did ride 84 of my 314 miles on the stationary bikes at my gym. I think 73% of my miles outside a pretty good ratio for a winter month in Colorado.

So, my 5000 mile goal is going well. I am scheduled to ramp up the effort in February, and planning on logging at least 350 miles.

I hope to let you know towards the beginning of March whether or not I'm still on track.

By the way, if you would like to become "friends" on Strava, you can see my profile by following this link.

January        314 miles        314 ytd
February        350 miles        650 ytd
March        350 miles       1000 ytd
April        400 miles       1400 ytd
May        600 miles       2000 ytd
June       1000 miles       3000 ytd
July        600 miles       3600 ytd
August        400 miles       4000 ytd
September        350 miles       4350 ytd
October        350 miles       4700 ytd
November        300 miles       5000 ytd
December            0 miles       5000 ytd

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