Saturday, September 28, 2024

2024 Falling Leaves Autumn Saison (Batch 362)

Well ... as I mentioned in 1519 Barker Exportbier (Batch 361), I've been pretty busy with my #GCCUSA, and not brewing much.

As a result, my current beer inventory is lower than it has been in awhile. Sunday, my wife (aka the SheppyBrew Beer Model) killed the keg of 2024 Hail Storm Summer Saison (batch 359).

And, so, my beer inventory was two not-so-full kegs.

Before V is for Village, Greenwood, Downhill Brewing, we stopped by our favorite Homebrew Shop, and picked up some malts.

I wasn't actually sure I'd brew this past weekend, but I did end up decide to fire up the Anvil Foundry and get a batch of my Autumn Seasonal Saison brewed:

I got started real late compared to my usual brew day ... didn't really get going until almost 10AM.

The morning was real rainy, but it was mostly done by the time I got brewing.

And, this being one of my Seasonal Saisons, I usually do real long mashes. Often, overnight.

This one was going for most of the Broncos game.

The Broncos actually played a good game Sunday. It has been a long long time since I've seen them play a game where both the offence and the defense played well.

Nice to see. Hopefully an indication of what the team will do going forward.

Now, if the Bears can start winning ...

Anyway ... it was a long leisurely brew day multitasking in front of the TV.

Everything went well.

The pre-boil gravity measured a bit low, and I countered with some table sugar. As it turned out, I seemed to have over-compensated because the OG ended up high.

I'm actually wondering if I mis-read the refractometer for pre-boil.

Having a little higher-ABV beer isn't a bad problem to have ... so who cares?

The boil also went well. The Broncos' game was done by the time I was racking into the fermenter.

It was a little before 3pm before I got the yeast pitched. By that time, the sun was up and the weather was perfect for a #GCCUSA2024 bike ride.

Fermentation took off quick. The airlock was bubbling before bedtime and was completely rocking by the next morning.

I'm looking forward to drinking this in early October.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

Go Broncos!

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