Monday, January 13, 2025

2025 Roll-a-Style List

Well ... if you've been following along on this blog, you know I've decided to concentrate on renewing my  BJCP Goal with a "Roll-a-Style" list.

The concept is pretty simple. I have a list of beer styles that I have not brewed. I assign numbers (1 - 20) to the styles. When I want to brew something new, I roll a 20 Sided Online Die, and brew that style associated with the number I rolled.

Sometimes I actually pick the style I want to brew and "pretend" I rolled the die, but either way, I'm working the list down of styles that I've never brewed.

There are more than 20 beers, so I include a "bench" of beers to move into the list once another gets brewed.

There are some beer styles I decided not to include because I know I won't like drinking them.

When I was going through 2024 Update on the 2021 BJCP Goal, I realized that there are some beer styles that are not on my list, but probably should be.

So ... I decided to add a few more beer styles to my "bench".

Anyway ... now my current Roll-a-Style list looks like this:

NumberBeer Style
1 25A. Belgian Blond Ale
2 3C. Czech Amber Lager
3 5A. German Leichtbier
4 9C. Baltic Porter
5 10C. Weizenbock
6 12C. English IPA
7 13B. British Brown Ale
8 14A. Scottish Light
9 26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
10 Historical Beer: London Brown Ale
11 10A. Weissbier
12 15C. Irish Extra Stout
13 Historical Beer: Lichtenhainergg
14 6B. Rauchbier
15 16C. Tropical Stout
16 26C. Belgian Tripel
17 16D. Foreign Extra Stout
18 22D. Wheatwine
19 17C. Wee Heavy
20 17D. English Barley Wine

My "Bench" now includes:

I've mentioned that  my unofficial goal is to reduce the list enough that I'll be rolling a 12 sided die by the end of 2025 (as opposed to the 20 sided die I've been rolling).

Now that I've added a few new styles, that doesn't really seem as realistic, but I guess we'll see.

And, eventually another version of the BJCP Guidelines will be published and I'll have another set of styles to look at.

Follow along on Sheppy's Blog: Roll-a-Style and you'll see how I do.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer, barbeque, biking and other things in my life: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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