Well ... if you've been following along on this blog, you know I've decided to concentrate on renewing my BJCP Goal with a "Roll-a-Style" list.
The concept is pretty simple. I have a list of beer styles that I have not brewed. I assign numbers (1 - 20) to the styles. When I want to brew something new, I roll a 20 Sided Online Die, and brew that style associated with the number I rolled.
Sometimes I actually pick the style I want to brew and "pretend" I rolled the die, but either way, I'm working the list down of styles that I've never brewed.
There are more than 20 beers, so I include a "bench" of beers to move into the list once another gets brewed.
There are some beer styles I decided not to include because I know I won't like drinking them.
When I was going through 2024 Update on the 2021 BJCP Goal, I realized that there are some beer styles that are not on my list, but probably should be.
So ... I decided to add a few more beer styles to my "bench".
Anyway ... now my current Roll-a-Style list looks like this:
My "Bench" now includes:
- 9B. Eisbock
- Historical Beer: Roggenbier
- 29D. Grape Ale
- 32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer
- Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA
- Specialty IPA: White IPA
- Specialty IPA: Brut IPA
- SheppyBrew Random Recipe
I've mentioned that my unofficial goal is to reduce the list enough that I'll be rolling a 12 sided die by the end of 2025 (as opposed to the 20 sided die I've been rolling).
Now that I've added a few new styles, that doesn't really seem as realistic, but I guess we'll see.
And, eventually another version of the BJCP Guidelines will be published and I'll have another set of styles to look at.
Follow along on Sheppy's Blog: Roll-a-Style and you'll see how I do.
As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer, barbeque, biking and other things in my life: SheppyBrew's Facebook Page; Sheppy's Twitter Feed; SheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.
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