Remember my post "
Sexist Beer Labels"?
At the time I told you, "I've never bought any of these beers, but if I saw one of these in my liquor store, I would at least consider buying it for the clever labels."
Clown Shoes started distributing to Colorado, and I had an opportunity to pick up a four pack of
Tramp Stamp Belgium India Pale Ale in my local liquor store. I took that opportunity because I wanted to try the beer behind the artwork. I couldn't resist the blogging opportunity.
From the
Clown Shoes website:
"Like a stamp on a tramp, this beer is about not so subtle seduction.
Soft but complex malts, Chambly yeast, sweet orange peel, Columbus,
Amarillo, and Centennial hops have merged to create a bodacious Belgian
To be honest, I am not generally a fan of the Belgium IPA Style. I think the funky Belgium yeast profile and the hoppiness of an IPA clash into something that is not really that pleasant. Sometimes my tasting "mood" is such that these flavors come across nicely on my tongue, but usually, I just don't really like them.
Tramp Stamp was no exception. It was fine, and I did like the second bottle I tried better than the first, but for the most part, this is not a beer I would seek out again. I am sure lots of people like this style of beer, I am just not really one of them.
I do like the bottle artwork, though.
More Beer Labels, here are some more suggestive beer labels I have come across on the internet. I have not tried any of these beers:
See also,
Sexist Beer Labels and
More Beer Labels for more offensively sexist / suggestive beer labels.
Just noticed that an article from Women Enjoying Beer has a link to this article. Why Gender In Marketing Beer Matters. Cool.