Thursday, February 14, 2008

V Day

I have to say that I am glad my wife does not go nuts for Valentines Day. She does not expect expensive gifts or really any gifts at all, and she does not get upset when I am not romantic for the "holiday". I hear horror stories from other guys and I am just happy to not have to deal with that BS. It seems that some guys are just destined to fail the high expectations that their wives place on them.

Tyler and Connor were excited for the day. Candy is always popular with them and the whole giving / getting cards to / from all the kids in the class is exciting. I guess I will find out tonight if it was all as wonderful as they seemed to think it was going to be. I guess since they are so young I will not question their masculinity based on being excited for the day. But real men think Valentines day is stupid.

It is, you know. It is really a stupid holiday. But I hope everyone out there has a nice one.

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