Sunday, November 06, 2011

Connor at the Museum

Tyler had a couple of birthday parties today. Mom took him. Connor decided that he and I should go to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Actually, that last one is from the next day. I bottled up my 2011 X-Mas Ale. This year, the X-Mas Ale has hazelnut extract (left over from the Bluefield experiment) and 1 tsp of cinnamon as the X-Mas spices. Both were added at bottling time. I really like the sample I tasted. The hazelnut and the nutty esters of the 1272 yeast really compliment each other.


  1. Could you please fix Connor's devil eyes? I find them disturbing. K-thanks.

  2. I've decided I like the devil eyes, so if someone is to change them, it has to be someone else.
