So, you may recall (see Fermented Zucchini) that I got this Go Ferment! Fermenting Kit with a Christmas gift certificate.
As I mentioned, I had ingredients for Jalapeño Sauerkraut. I just needed another wide-mouth mason jar.
Sometime during the week, I got another wide-mouth mason jar (actually 4 of them). So, this past Sunday, I made up some of this Jalapeño Sauerkraut.
Just like the Fermented Zucchini, the recipe is super simple.
- One head of cabbage.
- Some Jalapeños (I got 5 I think).
- 2 tablespoons Sea Salt
I removed some of the outer cabbage leafs and quarter it, removing the core. Then, simply sliced up the cabbage and jalapeños.
I put the cabbage in a bowl, added the sea salt, and kneaded / massaged the cabbage, mushing it together. The juices from the cabbage will come out and combine with the to make a nice brine.
Then, I shoved some cabbage in the mason jar. I layered in cabbage and then jalapeño. I even had some left-over zucchini that I shoved in too.
Eventually, the whole jar was packed with some of the brine over the top. I put on the airlock and the sauerkraut is now lacto-fermenting as we speak.
Actually, there was enough cabbage and zucchini, that I was able to almost fill up a second jar.
The second one is more zucchini than the first. Not even sure if that one is still sauerkraut.
I'll probably let these ferment at least two weeks before trying them. Depending on how they taste, I may let them go longer ... or I may put them in the fridge and start using them on burgers / brats / etc...
Keep an eye on Sheppy's Blog: Fermented Food, and you may find out how it turns out ...
Go Blackhawks!
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