Friday, February 28, 2025

Modifying the Roll-a-Style List

So ... after posting Roll-a-Style 9: 26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale, I decided to look a little closer at the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines.

First, I had never known exactly how many individual beer styles were listed in the guidelines, so I counted. 

If I counted correctly, there are 108 styles, and I've brewed 79 of them (actually, as I type this, I have not brewed the Belgian Dark Strong Ale, but once I brew it I will have completed 79).

I've mentioned that there are some styles I'm not really interested in brewing, and so I left those styles off my Roll-a-Style list. Most of these are sour beer styles, but as it turns out, a couple were ones I just didn't look closely at and thus didn't really understand.


As a result, I actually decided to give myself "credit" for 3 new styles.

I decided that 

Ok. Cool. I've added those to 2024 Update on the 2021 BJCP Goal.

Category 27 Historical Beer is sort of a unique category in that they list all the "Historical Styles" as 27A. So, technically, the fact that I've brewed any of those Historical Styles, I've brewed the one style in that category.

Because off this, I decided to remove RoggenbierLondon Brown Ale, and Lichtenhainerg from the list until I've gotten that list down some (similar to the decision I made about 21B. Specialty IPA that I mentioned in 2025 Roll-a-Style List)

And since I removed beers, I decided to add a few in that I had decided to "skip" before:

Now my Roll-a-Style list looks like this:

There are still a significant number of styles I've left off, and I may add them in later. I guess we'll see.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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