Friday, March 14, 2025

Tasman vs Tasman

I don't know if I ever mentioned it on this blog, but if you follow SheppyBrew on Instagram or Facebook, you might have caught that when I was picking up ingredients for Tasman Devil Pilsner, I stopped by Dry Dock Brewing company.

In a wild coincidence, Dry Dock had a New Zealand Pils on tap called "Tasman Pilsner" ... Great Minds Think Alike I guess.

Obviously I had to try it and I really liked it. 

Now, I know I didn't copy their name. Were they looking for a NZ Pils name and came across this blog

I can't say for sure, but it sure seems a little suspicious that they came up with basically the same name at about the same time.

Copy Cats!

But ... when it comes right down to it, I don't care enough to put a cease and desist on them for stealing my name.

*I am kidding that they "stole" my name. I'm sure they did come up with the name on their own*

Anyway ... when I was picking up ingredients most recently, I checked and they still had Tasman Pilsner on tap, and I decided to pick up a crowler of it to bring home and compare to my Tasman Devil Pilsner.

Visually, Tasman Devil Pilsner is considerably more pale in color than Dry Dock's NZ Pils.

I believe their color is probably closer to typical beers of the style, but mine is within the guidelines too.

Both are extremely clear. I actually very proud of how clear the Tasman Devil came out. Dry Dock being a commercial brewery is generally very good at producing clear beers, so it isn't a surprise how clear theirs is.

My beer is crisper and cleaner. Theirs has a touch more body.

I actually think my hops come through nicer, but the age of their beer might be a factor in how mine seems more bright and fresh.

When the Beer Model stole tastes from my glasses, her in-depth evaluation was "yours if better". 

I do agree. Mine is better. Again, mine is much fresher, and I believe I liked theirs more when I first tasted it. I still believe mine tastes better than theirs did fresh, but I'm a little biased.

And ... the really nice thing is that I have plenty of Tasman Devil Pilsner left, so I'll be enjoying it for quite some time.

And, I can always brew it again. 

Great beer. If you find yourself at SheppyBrew's "Brewery" some time in the near future be sure to grab some while it lasts.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer, barbeque, biking and other things in my life: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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