Friday, May 10, 2024

Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale (Batch 356)

If you read Roll-a-Style 11 ... 14C. Scottish Export ... you knew that I would be brewing soon.

This past Saturday was the AHA's Big Brew Day, which if you've been following along for awhile, you know is a day that quite often my brewing friends use as an excuse to get together.

This year, we decided to meet at Du's Brewery, up in Fort Collins.

So early Saturday morning, The SheppyBrew Beer Model and I started a mash and packed up brewing equipment on my Traveling Brew Checklist to drive up to Du's.

The beer I brewed was my 14C. Scottish Export ...

A couple of my Brew Buddies have young boys who were wandering around "helping" brew.

Honestly, it was a little stressful having to watch tiny kids around a propane burner and boiling wort, but luckily we had many more adults watching than kids, so it was fine.

Du's boy really enjoyed taking my metal mash paddle and/or wort spoon and walking around making noise.

There were a few times that I had to track those down, which was sort of fun.

Really cute.

Having done the mash while driving up helped make the brew day pretty laid back.

The SheppyBrew Beer Model even helped with adding hops (and watching out for children).

Du smoked some delicious ribs, and I pretty much finished up right after they were ready to eat.

I racked the wort into my pressure fermenter. 

The Beer Model and I spent the night up in Ft. Collins, and Du was kind enough to let me store my beer in his fermentation fridge.

We visited some breweries and got the watch the Nuggets play that night.

The next day, we stopped by Du's Brewery to pick up the fermenter. I was surprised that I didn't see fermentation signs, but a little later in the day the beer was rocking.

And ... for whatever reason ... the beer finished very quickly. In fact I'll probably keg this today (Friday after brew day)

We'll probably be drinking Clan Dunbrock Scottish Ale next week. I'll let you how it turns out.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

Go Nuggest!

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