Thursday, September 14, 2023

Shoddy IPA (Batch 343)

Well ... if you read Roll-a-Style 9 ... Hazy IPA, you already know that I brewed Sunday.

When I planned the brew day and bought the ingredients, I thought that I was hosting a brew day with my friends Du and Doc, but plans changed and it was a solo brew day.

I always thought that a Hazy IPA would be a great beer to use "Short and Shoddy" techniques to brew.

The short boil time in particular is something that I think helps keep haze in a beer, and the recipe I developed used a 15 minute boil because of that theory.

Kveik Voss is also a great IPA yeast and since you don't have to chill the wort very far to use Kveik yeast, this is also a time-saving ingredient.

Also, to save time in the morning, I decided to do an overnight mash so that I could skip that mash step on Sunday.

I got started almost exactly at 5AM, turning up the heat and turning on the recirculating pump for a few minutes.

I was draining the wort around 5:20 AM.

I had spent time the day before getting hops separated into "bittering", "flavor", "dry hop 1", and "dry hop 2" bags so I wouldn't need to think about that in the morning.

The boil was going before 6:20 AM, at which point I added the "bittering" Galaxy hops.

The boil went really quick. I only chilled the wort to just below 90 degrees, which didn't take much time at all

I was pumping into the fermenter before 6:45 am.

I had the yeast pitched and the fermenter sitting in the gargage well before 7am, for a less-than-2-hour brew day.

The yeast was rocking before noon.

I even got a decent bike ride in to get over 500 miles for my Great Cycle Challenge.

The Bears and Broncos really disappointed me later in the afternoon, but at least I have good beer to drink while watching football.

As always keep watching the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with my BBQBeerBikingSheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.Of course, don't forget to visit this blog often as well!

Bears Suck! Broncos Suck!

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