Tuesday, July 30, 2024

R is for Reverence Brewing Company

It has been quite awhile since we did anything with the A to Z series of posts.

Q is for Smokin' Bones BBQ went "live" in May for goodness sake.

Training for the Triple Bypass and some family commitments really didn't leave much time to spend much time in the Denver low-lands.

But, this past weekend we decided to move on to the next brewery.

After Q is for Smokin' Bones BBQ, we needed an "R" brewery, and according to Colorado Brewery Map & List, we had quite a few to choose from.

Eventually, after weighing pro's and con's of different "R" breweries, we decided on a bike ride to:

After I went on a morning bike ride, I came home to pick up the Beer Model, aka my wife, aka the Pedego Owner.

We packed a lunch, and jumped on our bikes to head off to 1604 E 17th Ave. Denver, CO 80218.

According to their website, they did not open until noon, but we arrived around 11:50 and the doors were already open, so either they opened early or the website lies.

Either way, it was pretty convenient for us.

It is a nice tiny little neighborhood brewery in the Denver's City Park West area.

The building used to be a different brewery "Thirsty Monk". Reverence opened their doors in Summer of 2021.

Their "on tap" list has a pretty good selection, although in my opinion they take up too much space with seltzers. 

However we were able to get in a couple good flights.

I rated most of the beers pretty high in Untappd. I enjoyed them all except one hefeweizen, which isn't a beer style I generally get more than a taster of.

The flights each came with a taster-sized glass of popcorn, which the Beer Model thought was "cute".

It was a nice little lunch site. I'm sure if we lived in the area, we would stop by this nice little brewery quite often.

After lunch we headed home. There were threatening clouds coming in from the West, but we beat any rain home.

A great little bike ride.

Now that we've marked "R" off this round, we will be looking for an "S" brewery.

The Colorado Brewery Map & List does have at least a couple good candidates. If you stay tuned on Sheppy's Blog: A to Z, you'll see which one we end up visiting.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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