Monday, June 19, 2023

2023 Fathers' Day Weekend Pictures

The past few Fathers' Days, I've posted photos of camping trips my wife and kids have taken me on.

I love camping, and my family knows this so Fathers' Days are pretty much the only guaranteed times that I actually get to go camping.

This past Fathers' Day, my family took me to Cow Creek South Campground by Green Mountain Reservoir just north of Silverthorn, Colorado.

It's been real rainy here in Colorado for several weeks and this weekend was no exception.

We got quite a bit of rain, but it was still a great trip. I'd rather be camping in the rain than sitting on my couch at home any day.

And ... we got enough breaks from the rain that we didn't really miss anything. 

In fact, this is one of the few camping trips on which I didn't have to cook in the rain.

We headed up on Thursday afternoon. Set up camp and had dinner and campfire.

The next day was cloudy with sprinkles, but we went kayaking and paddle boarding.

And we walked around the camp ground and played games and napped. And camping things...

The weather wasn't perfect but pretty good.

On Saturday, we went for a hike.

Again, the weather wasn't perfect, but we didn't get too wet and by the afternoon we got a nice sunny day for our hike back.

And after we got back to camp, I headed out on the kayak again.

It was actually an awesome sunny afternoon.

In fact, the weather got to be perfect.

The night was crystal clear and we saw tons more stars than we ever do down in the Denver area.

The night was perfect with no rain, which made packing up to go home much easier.

Sunday looked like it was going to be perfect weather. It would have been nice if this weather pattern started a few days earlier, but we can't have everything, can we?

Another great Fathers' Day.

My kids are adults now, so I don't know how many more of these I will have.

Hope everyone else had a great Fathers' Day

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