Thursday, August 08, 2024

N.T.S. Faux Pilsner (Batch 360)

It's been pretty hot here in the Denver area the past couple of weeks.

Really hot this past weekend.

You might have noticed (I've probably actually said that on this blog) that I've been attempting to brew all the "SheppyBrew Seasonals" in 2024. I only brewed 9 out of 12 of the 2022 Seasonals and 8 out of 12 of the 2023 Seasonals.

My "August" Seasonal actually uses Kveik yeast, and as you probably know if you're familiar with Kveik yeast at all, it loves fermenting at hot temperatures. 80's 90's even up into the 100's

Well, all yeast likes fermenting at hot temperatures, but Kveik yeasts actually make nice tasting beers when you ferment hot.

Since it was hot, and I wanted to brew a "Seasonal" that loves hot temperatures, Sunday was a great day to brew.

I didn't do any prep on Saturday, instead just getting started a little before 6AM on Sunday.

Honestly, the hot water out of my sink is already hot enough that it doesn't save me THAT much time to pre-heat the water overnight. Especially during the summer when I'm not fighting cold weather.

Anyway ...

The mash went pretty well. I did end up with a lower pre-boil gravity than was planned, but I just went with it.

I didn't do any kind of sparge like I've done a couple times in my most recent brews.

I was boiling a little after 7:30.

Everything went as planned during the boil. I got all my hops and whirlflock added at the right times.

I finished up the boil and was chilling right on schedule.

The great thing about Kveik is that chilling takes almost no time at all. After 5 minutes of chilling, the wort was around 80 degrees, and I just racked the beer right onto the yeast.

Then, I placed the fermenter in the hot garage and left for a 3 hour bike ride. 

By the time I was back, the fermentation was rocking hard. The heavy fermentation was actually pretty much done by the next morning.

On Tuesday, I brought the fermenter indoors to let it cool down some.

I'm letting the beer sit a few days to let the yeast flocculate some before I keg it. I will probably have it kegged this weekend.

Then, I'll have to wait for a spot in my beer fridge or kegerator to open up.

I'll be drinking N.T.S. Faux Pilsner soon after. I'm sure I'll let you know how it turns out.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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