Saturday, August 03, 2024

July #7100MilesIn2024 Progress

Thanks in a large part to all the training I've been doing for the Triple Bypass Ride, I'm running way ahead of the pace I need to accomplish my 2024 Strava goals ... #7100MilesIn2024 and #11EverestsIn2024.

In fact, I'm on pace to blow away my new Strava elevation goal, 348,384 (which is 12 x 29,032 feet).

If I continue on my mileage pace, I should be able to get more than 7,200 miles.

I have my Great Cycle Challenge coming up in September, so I probably won't slow down any time soon.

I also extended my #MetricCenturyEveryMonth streak with a couple of rides (including my Triple Bypass Ride).

Since July of 2021, I've ridden at least one 100 km (62.2 miles) ride. This makes the streak 36 straight months.

I'm sure I'll extend the streak in August as well.

Month         Actual miles        YTD Miles
January         350 miles        350 ytd  -50
February         561 miles        911 ytd+111
March         604 miles       1515 ytd+315
April         576 miles       1600 ytd+493
May         806 miles       2899 ytd+799 
June         596 miles       3516 ytd+716 
July         777 miles       4293 ytd+693 
Month         Goal miles        Goal YTD
August         800 miles       4400 ytd
September        1200 miles       5600 ytd
October         700 miles       6300 ytd
November         400 miles       6700 ytd
December         400 miles       7100 ytd

Don't forget that if you'd like to help fight childhood cancer, you can make a donation ... you can visit my page ...

Or ... if you are a cyclist yourself, sign up and pledge your own miles. Let me know your GCC Page URL and I'll follow you.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

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