Tuesday, August 06, 2024

GCC Jerseys 2016 -2024

So, if you follow me at all on this blog and/or Facebook and/or Instagram, you know I've been doing the Great Cycle Challenge for several years now (since 2016). 

Every year, I pledge to ride a number of miles through out the challenge month. (originally in June, but it has been September since 2020).

I get donations for this pledge to raise money for the Children's Cancer Research Fund. If you'd like to donate, you can do so on my Rider's Page.

Everyone who raises at least $500 gets a "Free GCC Jersey", and I have one for each year that I've done the challenge.

Recently, I've been riding with all these jerseys (except 2016, which is too small for me) and taking selfies. I thought I'd share what they all look like in a blog post.

So ... here we go:

2016: According to "My History" on my Rider's Page, in 2016, I road 811 miles and raised just over $727. According to Finished up Great Cycle Challenge, my actual miles in June were 659. Back then, I didn't stop my strava sync at the end of the month.
Not realizing how small cycling jerseys are compared to "real" clothes, I ordered an XL GCC Jersey, which turned out to be way too small. It is pretty large on my wife, but she wears if sometimes. 

2017: My Rider's Page says I cycled 706 miles and raised $1,772. According to #GCCUSA 22 Miles a Day, I pledged 660 miles, and I don't have an actual total for June. I assume it was somewhere between the 660 miles and the 706 miles.
After getting a way-too-small jersey in 2016, I ordered a 3XL jersey this year, and this is the size I've settled on for my jersey size until this year.

2018: My Rider's Page says I biked 660 miles and raised $1,990. I don't have any blog posts for the GCC in 2018, so I don't know for sure, but I would guess that I must have actually stopped the Strava sync this year because otherwise I would have gotten more than 660 miles.For whatever reason, I went up another size in 2018 with a 4XL jersey. It is too big, but I can wear it ... especially earlier in the year when I still have more winter fat on my body. After this year, I have always stuck with the 3XL jerseys.

2019: I really stepped up my goal to 1000 miles. 33.3 miles a day isn't difficult physically, but it is really a time commitment. I raised $2,047 for the cause. See Wrapping up #GCCUSA2019 for more on 2019.
I believe from this year going forward, I remembered to stop the Strava sync at the end of the month, and so my Rider's Page accurately reflects how many miles I actually cycled.

2020: This being the big Covid shutdown year, the Great Cycle Challenge moved from June to September. I raised $3178 and cycled 1025 miles. This is the first year that I earned a "Super Hero" jersey for getting over $2,500 in pledges. See I got my Spiderman GCC Jersey. Also see #GCCUSA 1000 Miles.
The challenge remained in September after 2020. 

2021: I cycled 1,047 miles and raised $4,938. Sometime before June they announced that this year would also be in September and that the Great Cycle Challenge was permanently moving to that month. Originally I wasn't a fan of the change, but now I think I prefer September to June. 
As I earned the "Hero Jersey" this year. See 9th Everest of 2021 if you'd like to read some more about my 2021 GCC.

2022: I had a monster number of miles at 1,202. I also raised the most money I've ever earned before or since with $5,109. Not bad for an old couch potato!
About half-way through the month, I got a new super-light road bike, which really helped get in really long rides. I was even able to get Back to Back Century Rides, which isn't something I would have ever imagined back when I started for the Great Cycle Challenge.
See #1000MileSeptember for more about my GCC in 2022.

2023: I got 1,139 miles and raised $4,614. Both down from the previous year, but still both big numbers. 

I didn't get back-to-back Century Rides, I did get a couple in September this year.
See #1000MileSeptember #GCCUSA2023 for more about how 2023 went for me.

2024: As I type this, it is only August. I've pledged 1,200 miles (40 miles per day) and hope to get the $2,500 for the hero jersey again. So far, I'm at $729. Generally, speaking I tend to get most of my donations in September, so I'm not worried about hitting the Hero Jersey goal.
This year, they switched up the style of the jersey. I ordered the 3XL like every year before. When I tried it on, it was fitting looser than previous years and I strongly considered trading it in for a 2XL. Ultimately I decided to stay at the one I ordered. When I order the Hero Jersey, I will probably get the smaller size to see how it fits. Then, going forward I'll know which size to order.

So ... that is all my GCCUSA "Regular" Jerseys. I am planning on doing something similar with my "Hero" jerseys.

Stay tuned at Sheppy's Blog: #GCCUSA to see those and to follow along on future Great Cycle Challenge adventures.

If you'd like to donate, feel free to visit My Rider's Page: https://greatcyclechallenge.com/riders/EricShepard

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

1 comment:

  1. As of Friday 8-9-2024, I have $1,907 in donations, meaning I need less than $600 to hit my "Hero" level. Based on the people who always donate in September, I should easily hit that.
