Saturday, August 31, 2024

U is for GUanella Pass Brewery

Here we are ... already up to "U" on round 5 of the A to Z Denver Breweries series of posts.

As I mentioned in T is for Tilray Beer Brands, Littleton, I had no idea what we'll do for a "U" brewery. U was tough for rounds 1 - 4

I've used U is for Ursula Brewery (which doesn't exist anymore), U is for oUter Range Brewing Company (which isn't in the Denver area), U is for Upslope Brewing Company (which isn't in the Denver area), and U is for BlUe SprUce Brewing Company.

I was really struggling to see anything for this round.

Luckily my intelligent (and beautiful) wife (aka, the SheppyBrew Beer Model) came up with a genius idea ...

We started out the day by driving over Guanella Pass from Grant, CO to Georgetown, CO.

At the top of the pass, we went on a little hike in the mountains.

Around lunch time, we ended up at a tiny little brewery and tap room at 501 Rose Street in Georgetown, Colorado 80444.

Their website points out that they are at 8530 feet elevation are that they were the First Brewery in Georgetown, Colorado Since Prohibition.

For such a tiny space, they had a really good selection of beers. Even better, they had a great selection without relying on having multiple IPA's.

They don't have a huge food selection, but do serve hotdogs, brats, and polish sausages.

They also have the best large soft pretzel I think I've ever had at a brewery.

We had a couple of flights, and all the beers were good or great. 

Their "Our Beers" page on the website doesn't match what they had on tap at all. It is either severely out of date, or reflects what they have on-tap at their other location.

Some of the awesome beer styles we had were "Black Cream Ale", a "Kentucky Common", a "Smoked Robust Porter", an "Applewine", and a fantastic Mexican Lager.

You don't see most of those very much out in-the-wild.

They have a nice little beer-garden area along with the tiny indoor area. 

This was a great little spot. I hope to visit again in the future along with visiting their other location.

And ... there you go ... we've checked off "U" from our round 5 list. We need to come up with a "V" brewery now.

According to the Colorado Brewery Map & List, we'll have a similar issue with "V" as we had with "U". There isn't any brewery available that actually starts with the letter "V" in the Denver area.

But, my gorgeous genius of a wife will surely come up with something. Stay tuned on Sheppy's Blog: A to Z and you'll find out shortly after we figure it out.

As always, stay tuned on the regular SheppyBrew Channels to see what is happening with beer and other things: SheppyBrew's Facebook PageSheppy's Twitter FeedSheppyBrew's Instagram Page; and SheppyBrew's Website.

Go Bears!

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