Friday, September 06, 2024

My first #GCCUSA2024 Century Ride

On Tuesday, I accomplished my first Century Ride since the Triple Bypass Ride back in July.

Yep, 100 miles.
That's right ... On my bicycle.
Yep, in one day.
No, my butt is fine.
Nope, I'm not crazy.
Yes, I know you don't like to drive that far.

I have committed to riding 1200 miles over the course of September. 

I always try to get a good start over the first few days and the long Labor Day Weekend so that I'm not worrying about miles towards the end of the month when who knows what the weather will be like or what else might be going on.

By the time you read this, I will probably have gone on several GCC rides. If you'd like to follow along or make a donation ... follow the link:

Of course, Tuesday technically wasn't part of the Labor Day weekend, but I did take the day off work, because I knew I'd want to make progress on my GCC total.

I didn't get started nearly as early as I usually like to get started for my Century Rides. The sun was fully up by the time I got going. 

I had earned and received my 2024 "Hero" Jersey the previous week, and Tuesday was the first day I wore it on a ride.

As I mentioned in GCC Jerseys 2016 -2024, this year the GCC changed styles of jerseys and the new style fits significantly looser than previous years.

So, when I ordered my "Hero" jersey, I decided to try a smaller size. I'm glad I did, but now I wish I would have traded my regular jersey in for a smaller size when I had the chance.

Oh well ... it's fine. The 2024 regular jersey just doesn't fit as well as my others. 

Certainly not a big deal. First world problem for sure.

Anyway ... I started my ride by headed down to the Platte River Bike Path, and traveled significantly north of Denver.

Around mile 40, I started back down south towards my house.

Around mile 65, I was back at the house where I refilled my water bottles and drank some ice water.

I grabbed some protein bars as well.

Then, I headed out again to finish the last 35 miles or so.

It started to get pretty hot out, but not too bad. It probably would have been smart to have my camel-bak for part of the ride, but I just managed the whole thing with two water bottles, filling one on each of my sections.

It was really a nice ride.

Somehow I ended the ride back at my house at almost exactly 100 miles. Strava says 100.89 to be exact. I've never "planned" a century ride so close.

I was able to get the whole ride done just shy of 6 hours ride time, which is pretty quick for me.

All in all, it was a great ride.

And ... I'm ahead of pace on my 1,200 Mile September. I'm actually not as far ahead as I have been at this point the past couple of years, but I'm thinking I'll be ok assuming I'm able to stay healthy.

Keep an eye on me (and feel free to add a donation) at:


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